None of our oil blends contain any preservative as the essential oils act as preserving agents themselves.
Most of our skincare uses Honeysuckle extract as a preservative. Honeysuckle extract has anti-microbial properties and has been approved for use in Europe by all the certified natural bodies, such as BDIH, Ecocert and Natrue. There has been some argument in relation to honeysuckle extract on the internet as to whether it is considered a paraben or natural paraben. It has been incorrectly stated in some articles that it contains parahydroxybenozoic acid, also known as 4-hydroxybenzoic, which they state acts as a natural paraben. Honeysuckle extract actually contains 2-hydroxybenzoic acid, which is salicylic acid. This is not a natural paraben, but rather is a natural defense system found in many plants to protect them from disease.
In a few instances some of our preservatives used in the body care ranges are nature identical, that is, they exist in nature but are replicated in a lab as the natural ingredient cannot be used sustainably. The European standards and all the certified natural bodies such as BDIH, Ecocert and Natrue allow the use of these ingredients and they have no therapeutic purpose and are purely used for their safe preserving qualities. The highest percentage of any one of these preservatives used is 0.15 - 0.4%. Our body lotions, shampoo, conditioner, body washe and body scrub currently use this preservative system